Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 2 EOC: La Dolce Vita

One thing I found to be interesting was how the paparazzi over time started to dwindle in numbers.  While I am sure it is like that in the real world as well I am sure that it probably would not have dropped by that amount.  When Sylvia first got off the plane she was greeted with nearly 20 paparazzi and at the end there were only four left.  I do have to say what got me is how the paparazzi was unable to get the shot right off the bat so they had asked her to go back in, granted it is only a celebrity photo, it still is not the actual event which is something that photography gets criticized on a lot, being staged.  This also plays into when the paparazzi had instigated the boyfriend into the fight scene.

For the photo assignment I have a couple ideas that I am playing with both dealing with downtown Las Vegas and a performer of some sort.  Depending on how the creative juices flow, I may end up doing something more artistic rather than the typical paparazzi style, but also something that provides more into how the paparazzi are.  This would be portrayed by seeing the paparazzi trailing the subject, and playing around with different shots to still get the paparazzi feel for the image.  Overall I am still trying to figure out how to play into it with the second idea but I’m sure in time I will find a solution to this problem.

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